Products tagged with 'geography'
GEO Club Swag Shop - 2024-2025
The PSU Geo Club: The GEO club is a long-standing PSU student organization that is open to all students on campus. It promotes a wide variety of geography-related activities, campus events, and topics of interest. Over the years, the club has sponsored trivia nights, alumni speakers, career preparation panels, and regularly participates in campus-wide events such as International Week and Earth Jam. The club also partners with local organizations such as the AMC and Plymouth Conservation Commission on service activities such as trail work.
2025 Gamma Theta Upsilon Honor Society
The International Geographical Honor Society
Recognizing Geography's Next Generation of Leaders2025 Membership benefits include: For more information, please visit Gamma Theta Upsilon. If you have any questions, please contact Patrick May at
Membership fee: $65.00